My Blog...

Waiting for Confidence


This is my regular reminder to stop WAITING for confidence.  

You don’t need to feel confident before you: 

  • Speak-up in a group meeting
  • Take the lead on that next client call
  • Put your hand for the new scary opportunity. 

Confidence in doing a specific thing comes AFTER...

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Networking Tips For Introverts


Have you ever stood awkwardly in the corner of a networking event, not wanting to interrupt other people’s conversations and wondering about the earliest acceptable time to leave?  

Not that I speak from experience or anything…  

Here are some tips to help:

  • Be...
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Tips to Stop Overthinking


Do you struggle with over-thinking? 

In an industry full of anxious overachievers, you are definitely not alone.  

Here are some quick tips to help:

  • Worry Bucket: Schedule 15 minutes later in the day designated just for worrying.  Until then, you’re not allowed to think...
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Tips for Avoiding Late-Night Mistakes


Clients often ask me…

“How do I stop making “silly” mistakes when I’m working late?”

Firstly, just a reminder that you’re HUMAN. Your brain doesn’t function at 100% late at night. It’s NORMAL to make mistakes in those conditions.


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Knowledge does NOT = confidence


I used to think that, to feel more confident and stop second-guessing myself, all I needed to do was learn MORE. 

Surely, more knowledge meant less mistakes and tons of confidence… 

Sadly, every year I stepped up a qualification level, which meant that people kept asking me more...

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Feeling anxious at night


Do you ever lie awake at night worrying about mistakes you might have made… or how to fix a mistake you definitely DID make?  

It’s always worse in the middle of the night. 

You’re too tired to see things objectively, so your worst fears have a party! 


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Why havenā€™t you been fired?


Why haven’t you been fired?

Good question to ANSWER if your inner-critic is going wild.  

Because…. genuinely, if: 

  • you make mistakes; and 
  • you’re not as good as ‘them’; and
  • you have knowledge gaps,

… why HAVEN’T you been...

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Letā€™s talk imposter syndrome ā€¦


Let’s talk imposter syndrome for a minute…

It’s not a disease. It just a couple of thoughts. 

Some version of: 

  • I’m not good enough; and
  • sooner or later, they’ll figure it out.

For me, I was convinced that I wasn’t as good they thought I...

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Fear of being seen as ā€˜arrogantā€™


Do you ever worry about sounding ‘arrogant’?

Perhaps if someone asks you to talk about your strengths or successes…

You feel the urge to minimise, give credit elsewhere, avoid the conversation entirely, or change the subject as soon as humanely possible! 

And the CRAZY...

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Your brain is not telling the truthā€¦


As lawyers, we are GREAT at using our ‘executive’ brain. 

That’s the part of our brain capable of reasoning and problem solving. 

Let us loose analysing some complex documents or making a logical argument and we are on FIRE! Very useful. High fives all round.


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