Tightrope of confidence vs arrogance

Uncategorized Apr 25, 2023

Do you worry about being seen as ‘arrogant’? 

You want to be more confident at work …. but not OVER-confident. 

You’d like to find the perfect balance between showing-up as an assertive, self-confident person AND being viewed as humble, self-aware and NEVER one to brag. 

I’m exhausted just thinking about it! 

The problem is – when you’re walking that tightrope – you’re entirely dependent on the opinions, beliefs and life experiences of OTHER PEOPLE. 

You could speak-up in front of room full of people…

  • some of them will think you’re self-confident and impressive,
  • others will think you’re a little too ‘big for your boots’. 

Now what? 

Do you tamp it DOWN to please the second lot? Or UP in response to the first? 

The truth is, you can never please everyone… and you’ll exhaust yourself trying. 

My advice is to decide what YOU want to believe about confidence and arrogance. Then act in integrity with that and other people can think what they think.  

Just make sure you take some time to explore those beliefs. We’re handed plenty by society as women, but you have the power to CHOOSE what to pay attention to. 


  • Self-belief and growth are not mutually exclusive. You don’t need to downplay your value in order to acknowledge you have room to improve.  
  • You can be proud of your accomplishments WHILE ALSO believing that they don’t make you more ‘worthy’ than anyone else. 

For me, those are the beliefs I rely on to drive my actions. 

Other people’s opinions of those actions have nothing to do with me.  

What will yours be?  


P.S. If you’d like to learn how to build a self-confidence practice, CLICK HERE to book a free consult. It’s a 60-minute investment of your time – but isn’t it worth it to feel better about yourself?! No-brainer …. ☺.  



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