Confidence is NOT necessary….

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2023

If you’re waiting to feel confident before you do the thing….


Confidence is NOT NECESSARY to take action. 

Confidence is also not necessary to take action that other people perceive as confidence. 

I know that because over the last six years I’ve coached hundreds of high-achieving, very accomplished professional women. Almost ALL of them believe that they’re not confident enough AND ALSO that their colleagues feel much more confident than them. 

I can’t say this to them because of confidentiality, but some of them work in the same firm. They’re talking about each other! They have no idea that the other person feels the same way as them. 

And this is good news! 

It means you don’t need to wait for confidence in order for other people to think you have it. All you need to take action is courage. 

And you have a ton of that. 

Confidence can come afterwards. In the meantime, please don’t wait to:

  • Speak-up
  • Ask for the new opportunity
  • Tell them your ambitions.

Confidence is not necessary to do any of those things. 

You’ve got this! 


50% Complete

Two Step

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